So glad I made the most of this last Sunday in Rio. Saturday I was in a lethargic mood, only able to drag myself to the beach accross from the street of my hostal, and lay there. We had gone out on Fridaynight, thus the vegetable state I was... Although we went out again on Saturday night, I was a lot more reasonable and managed to get home sober (and with the same amount of money that I had left with, always a great feeling!). So, this morning, leaving at 11h, and trioed to see all of Rio in one day, it seems. El bonde, the traditionnal tramway through Santa Teresina, nice old neighbourhood. Next, the park with a visit to the zoo. Filled with families and street performers, great, all Sundays should include this! Next stop, the Feira Nordestina, market with products from all over Brasil but specifically the North East. Bought some gifts for people back home, all those weddings going on in my absence, I´ll be ruined! Then, dropping them off at the hostal, a quick peak at the finals for t´he World Cup and then of to Lagoa, a nice lake in the west of Rio. Wanted to go see this park that statues in it, but it was closed. Managed to squeeze throught the gates thousgh and saw the most amazing sunset this trip, over the lake and with the dear Christ in the background...

Looking forward to seeing everybody again, it has been too long, but will miss traveling as well... They´ll see me soon enough again though, October isn´t that far.
There is no greater power than the power of goodbye...
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