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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

If this is Tuesday, it must be Belgium

Yes yes,

Back home again - pretty petty Belgium. Trying to get used to the azerty typing once again... Feels strange to be back and yet still familiar.

My mom, brother and his girlfriend were waiting for me at the airport, as well as two of my Haiti friends, which was a very pleasant surprise...

Found all my Haiti-stuff that I had send home with my mom and DHL, stange feeling. Until now, I could still tell myself I was just traveling, exploring another countruy; just having a break, but now, finding half my life in boxes, and the other half in my closests here, I know the Haiti chapter is closed, the page turned.

And not knowing what exactly the future will bring, or which choices I should make. Let's just enjoy these couple of weeks, meeting old and newer friends, shall we? See who got married, who is pregnant and admire the houses they bought... And see who I still connect to.. Missing you all, and hoping you wil still be there!

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