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Sunday, April 30, 2006

Haiti in 10: B- Ten things I loved about Haiti, which make it a special country for me

  1. The language there, the Creole and its amazing collection of proverbs. Though sometimes pretty black, (e.g. a cockroach can never win against the chicken, meaning the small guy always loses) the level of speaking using images and comparaisons is so rich and challenging, it was fantastic!
  2. The music, either the commercial Kompa that has a very caribbean sound to it, or the racine, which uses the drums and african rythmes, as well as the way people dance on it(rubbing it so close and thight that it is usually danced in the dark, ah, *sigh*)
  3. Linked to this last aspect, the great bodies people have (double *sigh*). Both women and men can seem so strong and yet sensual at the same time, move with that sexual charge that it is disorientating at first.
  4. the Voodoo and its intense ceremonies: though it takes getting used to, and you need to keep an open mind, especially if you get sprayed with the pig´s blood, but they are fascinating.
  5. The free spirited women: though not encoutered as often as should, some women can just show so much independency and strength, it is overwhelming. In that sens, I wil always remember and admire our coordinator, Colette. Of all the volunteers on the island, I think I was most luckiest, as I had her...
  6. The 163 different varieties of mango's, of which I personally tested 54
  7. The local forms of public transportation : the taptaps that get crowded and where people just sit next, on or under each other, not getting any closer than that...
  8. The haitian humour : it takes some getting used to, but at the end of my stay, I was laughing harder than the Haitians were for jokes, up to the point it became embarrassing.
  9. Picture-wise: Such a great country to take pictures, with the colours and the faces of the people.
  10. Pa gen pwoblem: ("no problem, man") people are laidback, and I suppose they are right. Though usually you get confronted with ten thousand little and larger problems to get something done, in the end, it always seems to work out…

Hope it´ll be the same way for Haiti.

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