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Thursday, May 29, 2014

No house...

Bad news, looks like we won't get the house we had hoped for. Once the landlady learned we worked with trade unions and were here on a tourist visa, she became very demanding, so doesn't look like it is going to happen. So back to square one, househunting...


Leslie Taylor said...

That's too bad. I hope you guys find something soon! :)

Bart D said...

oei broertje.
Dat is echt wel spijtig. Wie weet komt het wel nog in orde. Veel succes alvast!

ps: gisteren gingen we naar Wouter Deprez. En raad eens wie eruit werd gepikt om te zeggen voor hoeveel we ons huis kochten en hoeveel we nog 19 jaar elke maand moesten afbetalen...