I just got one of the weirdest but yet most practical apps on my phone ever: Nepal load Shedding schedule. Kathmandu is plagued by severe powercuts (more than half the day without power). It reminds me of my time in Haiti, where power cuts were even more frequent but completely random (meaning you had to keep the lights turned on, so at night, you would wake up when the power comes and then quickly get up to do laundry, charge your phone etc.). Here however, there is order in the chaos: the Nepali electricity Authority publishes regular load shedding schedules, like the one below.
Anyway, still tricky to look up, which neighboorhood belongs to which group, and then cross reference with the dates, it is a bit complicated to read and remember. Hence, some Nepali guy came up with the brilliant idea of putting it in an app. It has a map of the different zones, locates where you are and then tells you if you have power, how much longer you'll have, all nicely indicated with a little light bulb. Things certainly have changed... It might seem weird, but it can actually come in quite handy. Thomas wanted to buy a SIM card in a shop, but they couldn't help him without electricity to make a photocopy of his passport (yes, you need your passport and a ID picture, and I even had to leave fingerprints when I bought mine). Hence, useful to know when the power will come back...
Agreed, this one doesn't help me much, but rest assured they also come in English.

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