Got over the first shock? Now let us explain this to you. South Africa is one of the 14 countries in the world, which allows same sex couples to get married or to sign for a civil partnership. Although we have been together for only a short period, we feel like we are going to walk side by side for a long time. So, in the first place, this marriage celebrates our relationship. Then, there are the practical reasons.
Adoption: at some point in the future,
Development workers contracts: because we both want to continue working abroad, a marriage paper will make it easier to go live in other countries together. Future employers may want proof that we're indeed a "stable" couple before arranging the paperwork for both of us.
So, after a lot of hassle (date, phone calls, inquiries, ...), we went to the South African Home Affairs office in George - Wednesday 19 September - with our roommates: Eugene and Goedele, our best (wo)men and Sander, serving as our "bruidsjongen/petit page".
Back in Plett, the gang fixed us a little party moment in Flashbacks, our regular "let's-have-a-drink-place", with cakes and balloons and one of our favourite slows, "als dat gebeurt" (Ingeborg) on the speakers, after which Bruno and I went for a romantic dinner.
Oh my God!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for you guys!! That is such a beautiful, sweet thing to do. :)
Yes, oh my GOOOOOOOD !!!!!!
O la lalalalalalalalalaaaaaa !!!!
Je ne sais pas quoi dire.... Nous sommes très heureux pour vous !
De rest op email.
Félicitiation à vous 2 !!!!
Tous nos compliments, nous sommes très heureux d'apprendre la nouvelle !
Marie et Jona
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