Got up in the morning and started by finishing the paperwork I still had left for the Field Band project from yesterday. That meant typing the minutes of the meeting (paying attention not to step on anybodies toes), drafting a letter that different officials like the mayor, municipality manager and such would sign confirming their support to the projects. Then I had the pleasant task to phone to the guy from the Field band in Port Elizabeth (the one we cancelled last minute with last week) but turned out to be fine. He actually preferred us coming next weekend, when they will be finished rehearsing for the national gathering in Jo'burg, have a gala dinner where they'll perform and the Saturday we'd assist in a festival of Arts&Culture where they do workshops. All sounds rather cool. On the visit to Jo'burg front however, news wasn't as good. Talked the the coordinator of the National Field band and I tried pushing her to just let us stay with the field bands, as to mingle and absorb as much as possible. She however said that with 1500 children there, of which 500 are from rural areas that have no experience using toilets, she wouldn't recommend it. Pushing it a little bit, cause I really think it would have been fun and the best way to have behind the scene glimpses, she politely insisted on us staying elsewhere. Organising was already hectic, and she claimed not to be able to deal with any additional people in the two big halls. Which would mean that we'll have to look for accommodation, rent a car and all that. Well, let's see what Tony thinks about all the extra expenses that would mean... Then surprise surprise, I received an email from my niece, Hanne, who is also studying law and wants to work abroad for a couple of months as well, doing volunteer work or something, and wanted some advice. Though it is always hard to give advice by email I feel, I still sort of tried to make the most out of it and sent her a couple of useful links.

I should have worked on my book after that, but must admit I got too distracted by the book I am currently reading (not that it is that special, but it doesn't take that much to keep me away from slaving away at my book ;-). The one I am currenlty reading is "Until I find you" by John Irving, not his best, but not his worst either. Seems that it has 117 characters, all named and to me, it seems like they are all flesh and blood and all have role to play. It is so nice to have time to read again, and devour books from the local library. I estimate I must have taken out like 30 books already.Other volunteers (amongst which Thomas seem to be lacking that time ;-).
Next, I helped Eugene, our roommate, with an application form so that he would be able to attend a leadership building course for two months in New York. It would be the first time that he would leave the country and is very eager to go. He's not very used to filling out such forms and making the necessary blahblah to impress that kind of people so I agreed to help him, which took quite some time.

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