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Friday, January 16, 2009

Back in Zim... Work is piling up and Dexter is missing

After our weeks in Belgium, we're back in Zim, and glad to be so. It just feels nice to be coming back home, having your own bed, our own means of transportation, and of course the weather! Though rainy season is still in town, rains are usually not that long though intense. Already got stuck in one storm with my bike and it is no laugh... Especially with the potholes in the road that get completely filled up and so you have no idea how deep they are. 

But though everything in the house is fine, one thing is missing, our cat Dexter! Constance would come in regularly to feed him, even twice a day, but tells us she rarely saw him. The cat food kept disappearing at night though, so she wasn't too worried. I mean, male cats will be male cats, right? But it seems to be more than that and I am slowly accepting the truth. Food still disappears but I am now suspecting rats, which is a bit ironic, no? I can't imagine Dexter coming in and not walking up to greet us, even if we would be sleeping (which was when it preferred to come and greet us apparently ;-). Sad... I know, it was just a cat, but still... I missed it when we were in Belgium and looking forward to seeing it again. And also feeling guilty, cause maybe we should have left it with friends or something, but most of them were also away. Anyway, that is life.

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