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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Offering help: what to do

Who to give money to: I had hoped to avoid giving direct suggestions on this issue, for the choices aren't easy. And there are ideological makeups as well as past experiences to consider. But many of you asked and therefore I'm giving my personal opinion here. I would advise to spread your donations over these, as they cover different types of needs and approaches.
If you want to go large scale, many donate to Nepal Red Cross, UNICEF World Food Program, or Doctors without Borders (and others here).
Their agendas and operations are straightforward, and their ability to mobilize resources in Nepal is dependable. I want to give a special mention for Habitat for Humanity here.  

The government of Nepal also created a fund, under the Prime Minister, which is criticized by some, cause they're attempting to take the monopoly for all relief funds, but I still want to mention. Anyone wishing to make contributions can do so by making deposits to any of the Relief Fund bank accounts:
  • 00100105200270 and 00101102200012 at Everest Bank, 
  • 002-11-053313 at Nepal Bank Limited, 0411010000005 at Global Bank Limited, 
  • 18013243801 at Standard Chartered Bank and 035142 'C' at Nepal Bangladesh Bank limited
What I am personally involved with and can strongly endorse:
  • For my NGO, WSM, which will be supporting our local partners, you can support by this bank account  BE41-8900-1404-3510 mentioning “Nepal” (here in French and here in Dutch).  
  • One of them, trade union GEFONT, whom I really appreciate, here.
  • With a bunch of people from our neighborhood, we've been doing outreach and created a group: Himalayan Relief Disaster Volunteer Group  which does fundraising through here.
  • Closely related to this group and known personally to me, Clean Up Nepal Earthquake Fund here.
  • And then our current housemates, CouchSurfers who had done great things in Ghana and are currently launching a project in Nepal, led by Allen Gula, here.

I would strongly disadvice:
- sending goods
-  trying to come to help out, unless you have a very specific needed skill set (more on that here).

For a more long-term support, we need to wait and see what demands emerge. This will involve paying close attention to how the crisis unfolds. I will try my best to keep you all informed.

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