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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Good Trip resolutions

Okay, so resolutions I made,  for my own sake and to make this trip better:

1. Look people in the eye when talking

2. Not to be affraid of looking ridiculous: if the only reason for not doing something isthat I’m worried I might look stupid, that’s not a reason at all. So let me get out on that dance floor and shake it, even if it is next to rubber-waisted Africans!

3. Exercise 15 to 30 minutes a day: with all of these long busrides, I need to feel active at least a bit.

4. Go from smoking to my electronic cigarette: cheaper, less annoying and a good conversation starter as well (“Is that against asthma?”)

5. Stay away from soft drinks, especially the big brands, and drink water or fresh juices

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