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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How capoeira can be used to counsel on successful interaction

Here is a little video I made with the capoeiristas of our Academy that worked with children from Mavambo, one of our partners.  This module details how capoeira classes may be combined with group counselling on successfully interacting with people in life within the realms of social work.
It provides guidelines for those in charge of capoeira and counselling classes.  
The methodology is meant to be used with a specific group of participants over a number of capoeira classes – ideally over a period of at least a few months, involving at least 10 classes organised at regular intervals.  Capoeira classes will help build confidence and self esteem of participants.  The counselling methodology is designed to capitalise on learning points capoeira classes provide concerning successfully interacting with people, i.e. to the advantage of individuals and their environments. The capoeira instructor teaches participants on how to interact in a positive way during capoeira classes.  He/she continues to coach participants on putting positive interaction behaviour into capoeira practice. The central counselling tool consists of a chart on which positive behaviour of individual participants as practised in the classes is recorded - as defined by the participants themselves. Progressive filling of the chart over a series of classes measures, visualises and reinforces progress on positive behaviour put into practice.  A number of strategic questions asked when filling out the chart provides learning points on the advantages of positive interacting. These learning points are capitalised on by a counsellor in group discussions on how to positively interact in life and its advantages.

High quality:

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1 comment:

Bart D said...

hey broertje, leuk om zo weer meer beelden te hebben van je werk.
Alleen spijtig dat de converteerder nogal wat kwaliteitsverlies geeft in de teksten en het geluid.
Veel succes en plezier nog met de capoeira, Bart