In May we sent you our brand new premiere, the first of our The Zims, a regular newsletter from Zimbabwe. After your enthusiastic responses, we're sending you our second - and improved, June issue, with an extra page devoted to Zambia, and of course, the topic on everybody's lips, how the political situation regarding the elections is affecting our work and life...
Hope you will read it with interest and enjoyment, while we sit out the elections in suspense...
Currently, we are working on what is called a baseline study.
This is usually required by the donors, but is also very important information for Volens. Before a programme can begin, a study is made of the current situation, so that afterwards it is possible to monitor the evolution and see whether the project was successful. We hereby want to present you some of the info we gathered.
In the programme working with OVC in
It also includes evaluating their strengths and weaknesses on a scale of 1 to 6, and also regarding the integration of different issues. Here they scored quiet well on to which extent the children and the communities are involved in the decision making of projects (4.6/6). Next came gender and HIV/AIDS (4/6), which are of course very important working issues in southern
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