Some of my students receing their diplomas...

After almost three months, I had to kiss my students and the other volunteers goodbye. As always, last days are the most intense ones, all the things you still wanted to do before leaving, you try to pack into those last days, and all the people hearing that you leave are going: "wait, we have to go out, do something before you leave!". And Brasilians seem to have this heartbreaking habit of expressing their sadness with you leaving by insisting:"But why don't you stay??". As if it was my choice not wanting to be with them anymore. As if I am the responsable one for abandonning them. Usually they understand my answer of "Well, I was only volunteering, and a guy has to live as well on something...".

Me and some of the girls... God, you got the wrong gender!!
Bad news though was that my computer with all of my pictures and the final short movie that we made broke down, and no data could be retrieved... AAAAAAAAArrrrrrrgggghhh

The ride back from the final barbecue (Churrasco), with too many people so sitting in the trunk...
But hey, we'll always have the memories (at least until I go senile... or develop Alzheimer.
Hehehehe !!!
Nossa foi bem legal esse no dia da formetura!!!
Foi muito legal o curso e eu apareço em quase todas as fotos!!!
Saudades de vc Bruno!!!
Te adoro muito.
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