Here in the Paris of the south, the city of lights of Latin America, the place that is more european than Europe, the place so many people told me about: Buenos Aires (BsAs)!
Together with another volunteer, Pamela, and one of my students, Guilherme, we spent four days, two in a hostel, and two staying with a couple, friends of mine. It really does feel like Europe a lot, and it is nice to have clean streets, and traffick lights and perfume shops... but not that nice if you know what I mean. It is just another big city, bright lights, and though I am glad to have seen it, I think my sadness about closing that Brasilian chapter of my life book was hanging like a dark cloud above it.

Anyway, continued my trip all by myself inlands, direction Santiago de Chili, to Cordoba, to meet up with an argentinian couple I met in Ilha do Mel (Brasil). The hazards of MSN told me that Laura, a good friend from Granada and now lifving in Brusselas is here in Argentina as well, and even more so, in Cordoba, just the same day I am! So, tonight going for drinks with her, then the birthday party of the girl, Andrea, of my friends, the couple.

Next plans are still not set: either heading towards Santiago de Chili and from there back up towards La Paz (Bolivia) and then to Lima (Perou) but after seeing that that meant only more big cities and bright lights for the next three weeks, I was thinking of changing my plans and leaving Chili out, to head to Foz de Iguacu (The Niagra falls of south america) and then on through Paraguay to Bolivia and Lima. Cheapest flights seem to leave from Lima but without either a UK or US visa card, I can't seem to get that booked. Still working on that one so... Wanted to be back in Belgium by the 19th of May, so a lot of ground to cover in little time.

Agora você está em Baires?!, será que vai me escrever desta vez? ;)Abraços, daqui, do Bairro Alto!
Salut Bruno,
How are you? When did you leave GARR?
I'm not sure if you'll remember me. We met at my hotel (a couple of years ago!) while your brother Bart was visiting you in Cape Haitien. I was working for Plan Dominican Republic and Joanne from Plan Haiti introduced us. Bart, I think, was even going to potentially stay with me and my roommates when he went to Santo Domingo, but I think his plans changed...
Anyhow, to make a very long story short, I've been back in Canada but have been thinking about leaving again to work overseas. I plan on doing a project, combining the arts within development with youth in Haiti. I will be contacting everyone I know who has worked there to ask different questions, so I came across you again. I then realized that not only did you work in Haiti, which I'd like to ask you more about, but it looks like you ended up doing the type of work that I plan on doing!
I really look forward to hearing from you. I'd love to hear about your work in both Haiti and Brasil!!!
All the best,
Carolina Irigoyen
Come home quick !
Eu sei quem são!!!!
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