Allright, it's been nearly a week back here in Brasil...
The guy from couch surfing who was supposed to host me bailed out last minute, so went back to the Alpha hostel that I stayed in in July 06, nice to see familair and less familair faces.
I had a great time in Rio, mostly partying and sitting ont beach. First two days, couldn't have been more belgian as weather, but then it turned great so got sunburned at Copacabana. Carnaval is in full preparation gear and we went out to a sort of festival in Lapa that units the different groups that usually play in specific streets of Rio, so great to see them one after the other. Went with the woman that was sitting next to me on the plane to a concert of Rita Lhee, the Tina Turner of Brasil, and met her husband and fantastic 4 year old daughter, Gulia (who is soon to have a little brother). We first saw it from an appartment overlooking the beach of Copacaban, and then went down to join the plebs in the crowd. I danced a little bit too wild with her on my shoulders so she finished stating her disapproval by throwing up on me. Not so bad for me, was heading to the hostel anyway but the parents felt embarrased.
Left Rio, heading south, the more european part of Brasil (why did I leave again?), and am now 5h south of Rio, beautiful Costa Verde, one of the most beautiful scenic routes of the world dixit rough guide, but since the weather turned belgian on me again, ain't fell like enjoying it too much.
Thinking of skipping on Sao Paulo (more sort of a financial center and 35 murders a day...) and head further to Porto Alegre and Floranopolis by the coast.
Am already back in modus travelandi, to my dieet of 3 minut noodles, hitch hiking, and getting invited by strangers to spend nights if the hammoc needs to be avoided. No news from UN Ecuador position, and I think in this case no news = not good news... So, enjoying myself in South of South America till carnaval and then volunteering seems the best option.
Also bought a local phone number, so should you need me: +55 21 8295-4187.
1 comment:
cooool! i can see you arrived safely in brasil.
u must be having a great time, so enjoy yourself, take loads of photos to post here, for us too see u are allright, and be carefull, brasil is not such a peacefull country.
beijos enormes e diverte-te muito, já registei o teu número brasileiro para umas sms´s.
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