Yes yes, this morning received an email from International Service to invite me to a sollicitation for a job working with AIDS sensitisation for youngsters and sex workers in Recife, Brasil! It was the job I most wanted to have and International Service is an NGO (based in York, Brittain) pretty similar in functioning to Volens, my Belgian NGo that sent me to Haiti, so that is great as well. I know, it is only the application meeting, but with them that is a very good sign… And I am confident it’ll go great!
My Brazilian partner organisation for the next two years would be an NGO called GTP+ – Group for Posithive Prevention Activities. It was formed in December 2000 in Recife, Pernambuco, based on the need for the formation of an entity coordinated by people living with the HIV virus and people suffering from Aids to develop preventative work to contribute to the fight to control the HIV/Aids epidemic. GTP+ seeks to encourage activism and education aimed at prevention of STI/HIV/Aids contamination;
diffusion of knowledge about Human Rights and Citizenship of HIV positive people in general and integration into society in general, independent of colour, race, creed and sexual orientation; apart from encouraging solidarity within community institutions with HIV positive people and people ill with Aids. IS will be working with GTP+ to strengthen their internal organizational capacity. (Photos from their street theater and offices)
So, planning for the next two months has changed a bit:
- to Lisbon again with dear mom 18th till 23rd of November.
- 3 till 15th of December Britain : 4 days in Brighton and 7th till of 15th of December will be in York, training of my NGO.
- 16th of December is Social Forum in Belgium, for which I could now do some more volunteering, as well as the marriage of two of my friends, colleagues from Haiti.
- 17th till 23rd of December I would love to go skiing, has been ages, with my brother.
- The holidays (Christmas and New Years still ) back in Belgium, and then off to Brazil 14th of January…
So cool! Have decided to start a new feature on this blog, a “happiness indicator”, just a percentage showing how happy I am, and today seems like a very fine day to start: 95%!
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