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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Overview of our West Africa trip

Let's have a quick look back on this trip.

During this trip that lasted 77 days, we went to/through 12 countries and covered approximately 8.000km.  We spend 535€ on visas alone and got 28 stamps at border crosses (we had also started a list with hours and money spend on transport, but it was lost when Thomas' phone got stolen).
We traveled with a backpack and a trolley-luggage, with an estimated total of 12kg each.
Top three travel accessories:
  • an extension cord: seemed ridiculous to us at first as well, but most hotel rooms seem to have only one outlet, so being able to plug in several things would have been problematic.
  •  iPad: that GPS really saved our lives a couple of times
  • electrical moustiquos-chaser: you know, the plug-in that diffuses a smell that chases moustiquos. Though probably not ideal for health or environment, we didn't have a single sleepless night with them buzzing around (which, if you've been through one, you know what a bliss that is) or trying to give us malaria.
We abandoned most of our clothes and stuff at the end of the trip, also seeing the state our clothes were in, allowing us to bring back gifts and even a huge papaya.

I must admit, glad as I am we discovered this section of the world, I was also glad to go back to Belgium. Two and a half months is a long time to be traveling, and maybe our goals had been quite or too ambitious. I really enjoyed the first half of our trip, from Dakhla to Conackry. You experience the big changes going from 'Arab' countries, like Morocco and Mauritania, to a Muslim country like Senegal, then Gambia and Guinea Bissau and Guinea, with the side trip of Cabo Verde along the way. During this first part of the trip, we also met up regularly with friends and got several tours or explanations of local realities, which were fascinating.
The second half of our trip, from Abidjan to Cotonou, we experenced as less diversified. Most of the places worth visiting focused either on the heritage regarding the slave trade or on voodoo, both of which are interesting but weren't that different from country to country. We remained mostly by the coast and, except in Cotonou, didn't make any significant encounters or connections. Still, I liked the way it sort of seemed to close the chapter of Africa for us, before we try to go to Asia. For the photobook I created of the trip, click here.

Now we're back in Belgium, probably till end of January, mid-February. While being here, I'll be continuing my search for jobs in Asia, preferably South East Asia and sorting out administrative things. As this blog focuses mostly on our trips, I'm hereby signing off, probably for a little while!
Thanks for following, hope you found it at least slightly interesting!

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