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Saturday, November 9, 2013

Chilling at Cape Skirring

We've been traveling for a a little over a month now, mostly roughing it, taking taxi brousses, staying at friends places or cheap hotels and some CouchSurfing. I usually travel on a shoestring budget, while Thomas can like things a bit more comfortable. Hence, we made a deal: most of the time during our two months and a half trip, we'll rough it (often the only option in West Africa anyway), but we'd take five pause luxe, breaks where we'd chill and enjoy ourselves in a fancier place, and not worry too much about the price to pay.
High time to have this first break, and spend some time chilling by the beach, eat good food in some nice surroundings. We chose La Maison Bleue at Cape Skirring, at the edge of the Senegalese-Bisseau border for our first pause luxe. Needless to say, these three nights have been thoroughly enjoyed!

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