One of our CouchSurfers this weekend (we again had like 5 people staying at the house), Catherine worked on a book with an astrologist and she helped me analyse my chart (conveniently done for free by this cool German
website). Can't say that I believe to much in this stuff, but it is always fun to use a tool to auto-analyse or discuss whether or not you have this personality. And with a bit of loose interpretation, you can actually make a lot of it stick...

So what came out of mine? I'm actually a triple Gemini, having it as a Zodiac sign, but also Mercury, the planet of Gemini, is in my First house, which is the House of Identity, and my sun is there as well (ascendant), pretty rare feature, but that really enhances the Gemini characteristics. And Gemini is the communicator, sharing and distributing information. Often teachers or journalists, they are represented by Mercury, who was the Messenger of the gods. Pretty cool huh. That First House should be read relating to the opposite seventh house, which has to do with my interaction with others. There I have Neptune, which is about exposure, travelling, getting to know other cultures and ways of thinking.
Then, next interesting feature was my fifth house, the House of Games, Sexual pleasure and relations to children. Well, I got a strong dose of that one. That is where my Moon is, another dominant influence and which symbolizes the motherly, caring side of me, which I would show through games and exciting things. Also, my True Node is there, an astoroide, which is supposedly my purpose, my meaning in this life. Mars it here too, the Warrior, which means that I would fight for the right to play and have fun (very true ;-)...
Other things seemed less relevant, the Wounded Healer, Chiron, in my twelfth House, which has to do with the subconscious, and maybe would have indicated childhood trauma that is afterwards used to heal others or creativity. Can't really see what that is about. Anyway, it was interesting and fun, though I won't stop to check my daily horoscope from now on to see what I should do...