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Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Wednesday is our graduation from Shona’s second term (and level, though it certainly doesn’t feel that way). That also includes a little ceremony, and with our group, we choose to do a type of quiz, rather than a boring little presentation. So, we’re asking riddles, mostly from the tradional shona here but also a couple of ours.

My favourite from the Shona one is this one:
Pota neko tisangani, chii? - iBandi
You go this way, I go that way, and we’ll meet somewhere else. What is it? – A belt.

The one I added from our culture was this one, a classic I like:
“What can run, but never walks?
What has a mouth, but never speaks,
What has a bed, but never sleeps?
What has a head, but never weeps?”

Attempts are welcome as a comment, after three tries, I’ll put up the correct one, okay ;-)


Bart D said...

an organisation
can run smoothly, but never walk.
There is supposed to be a head that never weeps.
A mouth that never speaks can be found in any organisation.
Only the bed I can't explain!

Ciao little Brother

annibor said...

Le métro a une (et même plusieurs) bouches qui ne parlent pas. La rivière a un lit et n'est jamais couchée. Pour la tête qui ne pleure jamais, il y a bien le clou et la rumeur est plutôt rapide mais pour faire coincider tout ça, dur, dur ! J'aime bien celle de la ceinture shona... Je donne ma langue au chat. Trouve-nous des expressions de ce genre si tu as le temps. Nice end of week.

Julie said...

A river?