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Saturday, August 9, 2008

My second tattoo

When I turned twenty four, after graduating and leaving Belgium on my first real job, I got my first tatou. It was based on the Arab word for respect, but with added symbolism.

Now, for my thirtiest birthday, and while starting out in Africa as a continent to explore, I got my second, based now on the chinese symbol for "balance". It is placed on my upper left thigh, symmatrical with the first one which is on the left thigh (with a birth mark in the center).

The last image is a picture of how it looks on my skin, freshly put on today...

1 comment:

annibor said...

Je regrette beaucoup de ne pas avoir vu ce premier tatoo en vrai, lorsque nous étions à Tunis. Il est vraiment très beau et j'aime beaucoup cette manière de le calligraphier. Est-ce toi qui a inventé le motif ou le tatoueur ? Très joli ! J'espère que votre séjour européen se déroule bien. Bises.