Capoeira April Filming Sessions
Bruno the self employed and appointed video footage person and editor/chief in charge/ head producer held a series of Capoeira photo and video shoots at various locations in Harare. The footage served to create a Capoeira Folha Seca portfolio comprised of snapshots and videos of EVERY single member of the group. It was a tiring exercise but he prevailed with his meticulous methodology and eagerness to complete this task.
A couple of us went to the ‘Kopje’ one afternoon. ‘The Kopje’ is a small hill that overlooks the city of Harare and has one of those ‘panoramic’ views from the top. Half way to the summit of the Kopje, expert photographer, Bruno decided to stop to get some air, ask for directions or just look for trouble. The minute Bruno stepped out of the car, a soldier jumped out of the bushes carrying a gun- an old AK47 with a rusted end part. The guy looked like he had not blinked in a couple of weeks and the veins in his eyes were visible from the car. We remained intact. To cut the long story short, Bruno played dumb and innocent but with underlying tones of sarcasm whilst the soldier was very agitated having not blinked for so long and was keen to deport Bruno after pushing him around a bit. The rest of us were silent not eager to witness a sudden shooting by the unblinking one; although Bruno was more likely to contract tetanus with that gun. Bruno sensing danger like a true capoeirista, snapped out of his play acting role, apologised quickly, made a small bow and macaco-ed back into the car. Before the soldier could register that he had let us go we had driven of.
Another group of capoeiristas was summoned by Bruno at 5am in the morning to do capoeira in ‘Leopard Takawira’ which is a picturesque road bordered by Jacaranda trees. (One of those roads that is worthy to be put on the front of a postcard). Bruno closed of part of the road with a red triangle and the crew began the photo shoot. The only near accident that eventuated was when a car (refusing to believe a bunch of guys and a girl in white pants resembled anything similar to a broken down truck) went through the red triangle sign in an attempt to run over Bruno. Luckily Bruno did a back flip over the car just in time and is alive to continue filming. (Okay the back flip was not really a back flip rather simple move to the side)
The National Heroes Acre is a sacred burial ground for declared war heroes that were involved in Zimbabwe’s liberation struggle and some others. The tombstones made of black granite and other exciting structures designed by artists from North Korea and some Zimbabweans made this site suitable for some capoeira footage; bringing capoeira together with Zimbabwe’s rich history. However, Ed ‘Formiga’ still managed to evade Bruno’s filming escapades. But Bruno had another idea.