Thursday, February 28, 2008
de broer die trouwt!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Cinema yesterday: Sweeney Todd

Yesterday, for the first time since... well , forever, I set foot in a Belgian cinema again. This must have been years ago. Ever since big theaters seem to have become convinced that it is not daylight robbery to charge you 9,30€ for a movie... Unbelievable! I can still remember the days when we payed 100FB for a movie, 120€ if it was a long one. God, I sound old and cheap saying this ;-)
Anyway, we went to see Sweeney Todd - the Demon Barber of leet Street, the new musical from Tim Burton. The original play is actually older than me, called "The String of Pearls" in 1973.
I especially enjoyed the song "A little priest"in which Sweeney (Johnny Depp) and Mrs. Lovett (played by Tim Burton's real-life compagnon Helena Bonham Carter) discuss how to get rid of the bodies... "It is man devouring man, my dear" ;-)
Quite nice to have a proper night out again, just the two of us, and cuddling in the dark of the cinema in front of dark and gloomy London is fun, with the dramatic background music. Recommend the movie though it is not as special as could be...
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Mysterieuze kaketoe: mijn scoutstotem
Familie: Papegaai
Eigenschappen: nieuwsgierig , schrander , zachtmoedig
Beschrijving: Ze gelijken door hun aard en gewoonten op de overige papegaaien. Alle Kakatoe zijn schrandere, verstandige, ernstige en zachtmoedige vogels. Ze zijn nieuwsgierig en ze hebben een bijzonder goed geheugen. Kakatoes sluiten graag vriendschap met de mens. Ze zijn minder vals dan andere papegaaien en zeer erkentelijk. Ze worden onvriendelijk als ze slecht behandeld worden, en ze vergeten dit niet.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Voor de vader van de vriend...
de stoet voorbij is, de schuifelende voeten,
nu voel ik dat er 'n diepe stilte komt
en in die stilte zal ik je opnieuw ontmoeten.
En telkens weer zal ik je tegenkomen,
we zeggen veel te gauw: het is voorbij.
Hij heeft alleen je lichaam weggenomen,
niet wie je was en ook niet wat je zei.
Ik zal nog altijd grapjes met je maken,
we zullen samen door het stille landschap gaan.
Nu je mijn handen niet meer aan kunt raken,
raak je mijn hart nog duidelijker aan.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
une perte dans la famille de Thomas

Pendant la nuit, le père de Thomas, Thierry, âgé de 61 ans, est décédé d'un cancer. Il s'est endormi tranquillement dans son lit, avec la présence de son épouse et de ses deux enfants, Thomas et Maëlle, et même le petit-fils qu'il a encore eu la chance de connaître.
Je ne sais pas trop quoi écrire, dans quel mesure je peux expliquer ce que cela me fait, ce que je pense ou ce que je ressent....
Monday, February 18, 2008
Conférence: la souveraineté alimentaire au Zimbabwe

Dans les locaux de la Casa Nicaragua, rue Pierreuse à Liège - gratuit.
Petite restauration et bar équitable dés 18h00.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
King Herods Song
Just a little something that made me laugh from the Jesus Christ Superstar movie (dating back to 1973!).
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Project for my new tattoo

Now I am working on a new tattoo, which I planned to get when I turn 30. The value that I was thinking of adding now is "balance", the sense of harmony and equilibrium, which is also linked to the symbol of justice, scales. This time I thought of using the chinese calligraphy characters but I don't feel like my research has come up with something definite. I feel like using foreign Chinese characters because of esthetic reasons, they are beautiful little pieces of art. Interestingly though, tattoos have quite a negative connotation in traditional Chinese culture. In fact, there was a belief that the body is a sacred gift from one’s parents and should not be altered in any permanent way – which of course includes tattooing.
Despite the negative connotation of the Chinese tattoo, there has always been tattooing in China. The Chinese word for tattoo is Ci Shen, literally meaning puncture the body.
The first Chinese tattoos were considered a punishment – sort of a mark of disgrace. Criminals were marked with a face tattoo and forced to live in exile. This practice is called Ci Pei in Chinese.
Even in modern China today, tattoos are considered to be connected with the underworld somehow, although this attitude is slowly changing. Despite the dubious attitudes towards tattooing, there is some evidence that tattooing and other body art are making inroads among Chinese youth today.
The Chinese pictographic system of writing was imported to Japan many centuries ago, and is known as ” Kanji ” (In Japanese, kan+ji = Chinese+word). Most kanjis have the same meaning as the original Chinese characters, but some have evolved over time in Japanese usage and the meanings are different from the Chinese characters used nowadays.Here are some of the things I have been found regarding the concept of balance:

balance (equilibrium)
Chinese Pinyin: ping2 heng2

(and this should be my name in chinese btw)
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Notre semaine de ski en Suisse
C'est un peu chique (ou devrais-je dire "mondain"), avec le village à une altitude de 1500m, et le glacier le plus haut où on peut skier à 3.000m.